![]() |
Child and Family Services |
1-866-345-9241 |
Domestic Violence Information Line |
1-877-977-0007 |
Employment and Income Assistance - After Hours Emergencies |
1-866-559-6778 |
Environmental Accidents 24 hours, in Manitoba |
1-855-944-4888 |
Health Links/Info Santé 24 hours, in Manitoba |
1-888-315-9257 |
Highway Information (511) |
1-877-627-6237 |
Housing and After Hours Tenant Emergencies 24 hours, in Manitoba |
1-800-661-4663 |
Problem Gambling Helpline 24 hours, in Manitoba |
1-800-463-1554 |
Senior's Abuse Support Line 24 hours, in Manitoba |
1-888-896-7183 |
Turn-In-Poachers (TIP)/Forest Fire Situation 24 hours, in Manitoba |
1-800-782-0076 |
D - G H - L M N - R S - W Crown Agencies
AccessManitoba Help Desk |
1-877-622-2377 (in Canada) |
Active Living |
1-866-788-3648 (in Manitoba) |
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba |
1-866-638-2561 (in Manitoba |
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba - Problem Gambling Helpline |
1-800-463-1554 (24 hours) (in Manitoba) |
Adult Learning Centres, Literacy - General Educational Development Tests |
1-800-853-7402 (in Manitoba) |
Air Services |
1-800-213-1228 (24 hours) (in Canada) |
Animal Care Line - (Chief Veterinary Officer) |
1-888-945-8001 (in Manitoba) |
Apprenticeship Manitoba |
1-877-978-7233 (in Canada) |
Apprenticeship and Certification Board |
1-877-978-7233 (in Canada) |
Archives of Manitoba |
1-800-617-3588 (in Manitoba) |
Archives of Manitoba - Hudson's Bay Company |
1-800-617-3588 (in Manitoba) |
Bed Bug Information |
1-855-362-2847 (in Manitoba) |
Bureau de l'éducation française - Direction des ressources éducatives françaises |
1-800-667-2950 (in Manitoba) |
The Business Number |
1-866-205-1657 (in Manitoba) |
Child and Adult Abuse Registries Unit |
1-855-844-8834 (in Manitoba) |
Child Care Subsidy Intake and Inquiry |
1-877-587-6224 (in Manitoba) |
Child and Family Services Authorities |
1-866-345-9241 Province-wide Intake (24 hours) |
Child and Family Services - All Nations Coordinated Response Network (ANCR) 204-944-4200 Winnipeg Intake (24 hours) |
1-888-945-2627 (24 hours) (in Manitoba) |
Child Protection - Join the Circle of Care (Foster parenting information) |
1-888-995-5646 (in Manitoba) |
Civil Service Superannuation Board |
1-800-432-5134 (in Canada) |
Clean Environment Commission |
1-800-597-3556 (in Manitoba) |
Commissioner for Oaths and Notary Public |
1-866-323-4249 (in Manitoba) |
Communities Economic Development Fund |
1-800-561-4315 (in Manitoba) |
Companies Office |
1-888-246-8353 (in Manitoba) |
Compensation for Victims of Crime |
1-800-262-9344 (in Manitoba) |
Compensation for Victims of Crime, The Appeal Commission |
1-855-925-6110 (in North America) |
Consumer Protection Office |
1-800-782-0067 (in Manitoba) |
Corrections - Fine Option, Community Service Order |
1-800-282-8066 (in Manitoba) |
Corrections - Inmate and Resident Telephone System |
1-866-713-4761 (in Canada) |
Corrections - Probation - Intake and Records |
1-800-334-8792 (in Canada) |
Court - Fine Collections Unit |
1-866-922-0500 (in North America) |
Court - Maintenance Enforcement Program |
1-866-479-2717 (24 hours) |
Crime Prevention - Project Gang Proof |
1-800-691-4264 (in Manitoba) |
Criminal Property Forfeiture Unit |
1-866-977-2738 (in Manitoba) |
Crown Lands - Parks |
1-800-214-6497 (in North America) |
Distance Learning |
1-800-465-9915 (in Manitoba) |
Early Learning and Child Care Program |
1-888-213-4754 (in Manitoba) |
Economic Development Office |
1-866-570-7577 (in North America) |
Elections Manitoba |
1-866-628-6837 (in North America) |
Emergency Measures Organization (Disaster Financial Assistance/DFA) |
1-888-267-8298 (in Manitoba |
Employment and Income Assistance - After Hours Client Services Emergencies |
1-866-559-6778 (after hours) (in Manitoba) |
Employment Standards |
1-800-821-4307 (in Canada) |
Enforcement Services - Turn-In-Poachers |
1-800-782-0076 (24 hours) (in Manitoba) |
Family Doctor Finder |
1-866-690-8260 (in Manitoba) |
Fisheries - Aquatic Invasive Species |
1-877-867-2470 (24 hours)(in Manitoba) |
Flood Protection Programs |
1-855-415-4530 (in Manitoba) |
Food Development Centre |
1-800-870-1044 (in Canada) |
Francophone Affairs Secretariat |
1-866-267-6114 (in Manitoba) |
Gender Equity Manitoba |
1-800-263-0234 (in Manitoba) |
GeoManitoba - Canada Map Sales |
1-877-627-7226 (in North America) |
Growing Forward 2 - Application Forms |
1-800-870-1044 (in Canada) |
Hazardous Waste and Dangerous Goods - Environmental Accident Reporting Line |
1-855-944-4888 (24 hours) (in Manitoba) |
Health Care Abuse and Fraud Reporting Line |
1-866-778-7730 (in Manitoba) |
Healthy Child Manitoba |
1-888-848-0140 (in Manitoba) |
Healthy Child Manitoba - Triple P |
1-877-945-4777 Parent Line (in Manitoba) |
Housing Delivery - Repair and Renovation Programs |
1-866-689-5566 (in Manitoba) |
Human Rights Commission |
1-888-884-8681 (in Manitoba) |
Immigrate Manitoba - MPNP (Provincial Nominee Program for Skilled Workers) |
1-800-665-8332 (in Manitoba) |
Independent Investigation Unit |
1-844-667-6060 (in Canada) |
Industry Services |
1-866-332-5077 (in Manitoba |
Information and Privacy Policy Secretariat (Freedom of Information And Protection Of Privacy/FIPPA |
1-800-617-3588 (in Manitoba) |
Legal Aid Manitoba |
1-800-261-2960 (in Manitoba) |
Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba |
1-800-782-0363 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Arts Council |
1-866-994-2787 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas Coordinator |
1-800-214-6497 (in North America) |
Manitoba Crop Residue Burning Program - Authorization |
1-800-265-1233 (in Manitoba) (automated) |
Manitoba Emergency Services College |
1-888-253-1488 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Emergency Services College Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): |
1-888-389-3473 (24 hours)(in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Health Appeal Board |
1-866-744-3257 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Hepatitis C Compassionate Assistance Program |
1-866-357-0196 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Integrated Task Force for Missing and Murdered Women - Project DEVOTE |
1-866-484-2846 (in Canada) |
Manitoba Jobs and Skills Development Centres |
1-866-332-5077 (transfers to nearest centre in province) (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Learning Resource Centre |
1-866-771-6822 (in Manitoba and Saskatchewan) |
Manitoba Ostomy Program (Ostomy Supplies Only) |
1-877-477-4773 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Prosecution Service (Crown Attorney) |
1-855-593-3301 (in North America) |
Manitoba Securities Commission |
1-800-655-5244 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Strategic Infrastructure Secretariat |
1-800-268-4883 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Student Aid |
1-800-204-1685 (in North America) |
Manitoba Tax Assistance Office |
1-800-782-0771 (in Manitoba) |
MERLIN (Manitoba Education Research and Learning Information Networks) |
1-800-430-6404 (in Manitoba) |
Mineral Resources |
1-800-223-5215 (in North America) |
Motor Carrier - Permits |
1-877-812-0009 (in North America) |
Motor Carrier Enforcement Programs |
1-877-340-9068 (in Manitoba) |
Municipal Employees Benefits Program |
1-800-432-1908 (in Canada) |
Municipal Relations Emergency Line |
1-866-735-3111 (24 hours) (in Manitoba) |
Municipal Relations Inquiries |
1-866-801-2888 (in Manitoba) |
Nurses Recruitment and Retention Fund |
1-877-681-4983 (in North America) |
Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth |
1-800-263-7146 (in Manitoba) |
Office of the Vulnerable Persons' Commissioner |
1-800-757-9857 (in Manitoba) |
Ombudsman Manitoba |
1-800-665-0531 (in Manitoba) |
Parks Reservation Service |
1-888-482-2267 (in North America) |
Professional Certification |
1-800-667-2378 (in Manitoba) |
Property Taxes, Land Tax Sales - Northern and Unorganized Territories |
1-888-677-6621 (in Manitoba) |
Protection for Persons in Care Office |
1-866-440-6366 (in Manitoba) |
Provincial Drug Program (Pharmacare) |
1-800-297-8099 (in Manitoba) |
Provincial Drug Program - Exception Drug Status |
1-800-557-4303 (in Manitoba) |
Provincial Drug Program - Monthly Deductible Instalment Payment Program for Pharmacare |
1-888-519-3492 (in Manitoba) |
Provincial Services - Rent Assist, Disability and Health Supports Unit (DHSU), Income Supplements Programs |
1-877-587-6224 (in Manitoba) |
Public Housing Programs, Manitoba Housing Communications Centre |
1-800-661-4663 (24 hours) (in Manitoba) |
Public Library Services |
1-800-252-9998 (in Manitoba) |
Public Safety Investigations |
1-800-954-9361 (in Manitoba) |
Public Utilities Board |
1-866-854-3698 (in Manitoba) |
Real Estate Services Division |
Residential Tenancies Branch - Winnipeg |
1-800-782-8403 (in Manitoba) |
Residential Tenancies Branch - Brandon |
1-800-656-8481 (in Manitoba) |
Residential Tenancies Branch - Thompson |
1-800-229-0639 (in Manitoba) |
Rural Home Ownership Program |
1-855-201-4624 (in Manitoba) |
SAFE Work Manitoba |
1-855-957-7233 (in North America) |
Selkirk Mental Health Centre |
1-800-881-3073 (in Manitoba) |
Senior's Abuse Support Line |
1-888-896-7183 (24 hours)(in Manitoba) |
Sport Manitoba - Kidsport |
1-866-774-2220 (in Manitoba) |
Student Records |
1-833-227-1375 (in Manitoba) |
Supporting Families Initiative - Family Justice Resource Centre |
1-844-808-2313 (in Manitoba) |
Taxation |
1-800-782-0318 (in Manitoba) |
Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund |
1-800-782-0714 (in North America) |
Travel Manitoba |
1-800-665-0040 (in North America) |
Vehicle and Equipment Management Agency (VEMA) |
1-800-363-6693 (24 hours) (in Manitoba) |
Victim Services |
1-866-484-2846 (in Canada) |
Victim Witness Assistance Program |
1-866-635-1111 (in Manitoba) |
Visitable Housing Design |
1-866-689-5566 (in Manitoba) |
Vital Statistics Agency |
1-866-949-9296 (in Canada) |
Workers Compensation Board |
1-855-954-4321 (in North America) |
Workers Compensation Board, The Appeal Commission |
1-855-925-6110 (in North America) |
Workplace Safety and Health |
1-855-957-7233 (in North America) |
Manitoba Hydro - Customer Contact Centre |
1-888-624-9376 (24 hours)(in North America |
Manitoba Hydro - Hydro Bonds |
1-800-565-0350 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Hydro - Power Smart Home Programs - Refrigerator Retirement Program |
1-855-537-4343 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Public Insurance (Autopac, Driver Licencing |
1-800-665-2410 (in North America) |
Manitoba Public Insurance - TIPS Line |
1-877-985-8477 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Public Insurance - Vehicle Inspections Unit |
1-800-542-8720 (in Manitoba) |
Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation |
1-800-265-3912 (in Manitoba) |