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Head of State | King Charles III, represented by the Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Anita R. Neville |
Legislative Assembly | Comprised of 57 Members elected to represent the people of Manitoba |
Political Leader | The Honourable Heather Stefanson, Premier of Manitoba |
Area | 649,947 square kilometers (250,946 square miles); larger than Japan and twice the size of the United Kingdom
Land surface area: 548,356 kilometers2 / 211,721 miles2 Water surface area: 101,591 kilometers2 / 39,225 miles2 Coastline: 645 kilometers / 400 miles |
Total Population (January, 2023) | 1,431,792 |
Capital City | Winnipeg, population 852,800 (2021) (includes Metropolitan Area)
Mayor: His Worship Scott Gillingham |
Time Zone | Manitoba is located in the central time zone. Daylight Saving Time is in effect throughout the province from the second Sunday in March until the first Sunday in November. During the rest of the year, the province is on Central Standard Time. |
Unemployment Rate (February, 2023) | 4.7 per cent (Manitoba), 5.0 per cent (Canada) |
Major Industries | Manufacturing, construction, transportation and warehousing, finance and insurance, agriculture, utilities, professional services, mining, information and cultural industries. |
Major Manufacturing Sectors | Food and beverage, transportation equipment, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, machinery, fabricated metals, plastics/rubber, furniture, clothing, printing and related, wood products, primary metals, non-metallic mineral products. |
Real GDP, chained 2012 dollars (2021; at market prices) | CAD $66.9 billion |
Nominal GDP, current dollars (2021; at market prices) | CAD $79.8 billion |
Exports (2022) | CAD $20.7 billion |
Natural Resources | Abundant fresh water, hydroelectricity, base metals (nickel, copper, zinc), fishing, forestry, gold, oil, other minerals. |
Agricultural Products | Canola, wheat, hogs, cattle, dairy products, oats, poultry, eggs, barley, and flaxseed. |
For more information, including detailed reports on Manitoba's eight economic regions, please visit our Regional Economic Profiles section.
Canada is a confederation of 10 provinces and three territories. The national capital is Ottawa, Ontario, with provincial/territorial capitals designated in each province/territory.
Form of State | Constitutional monarchy |
Head of State | King Charles III, represented by the Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Anita R. Neville |
Head of Government | Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada |
Average value of Canadian dollar against major currencies (March 2023) | US dollar = $1.37 CAD
Euro = $1.47 CAD Mexican peso = $0.07 CAD Chinese renminbi = $0.2 CAD |
Stats current as of March 2023