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How should I dispose of elm wood?
Dead or dying elm trees can be removed entirely any time of the year. Elms should be cut flush with the ground or debarked to the soil line, and either burned or chipped. Contact your municipal office for on-site burning regulations and for the location of the nearest disposal site.
Can I keep elm as firewood?
No. Storing elm wood, a major factor in spreading Dutch elm disease, is illegal.
What are those sticky bands I see wrapped around tree trunks? Do they control Dutch elm disease?
They are tanglefoot bands that prevent spring and fall cankerworm wingless female moths from crawling up the tree trunk to lay eggs. Heavy cankerworm feeding can cause severe defoliation that stresses and weakens trees. Reducing the stress on elm trees makes them less attractive to elm bark beetles. Tanglefoot bands may also play an incidental role in trapping a few bark beetles.
My tree has sap leaking from the trunk and staining on the outer bark. Is this a sign of Dutch elm disease?
This condition, known as wetwood or slimeflux, is common in elm trees. It is not Dutch elm disease related. It is caused by bacteria and is more unsightly than harmful to the tree. Usually it occurs at a pruning wound or at the junction of two major limbs. Slime flux on elm tree
Can Dutch elm disease be pruned from my elm tree?
No, Dutch elm disease cannot be pruned out of the tree.
When can I prune my elm tree?
You can prune healthy elms to remove dead or damaged branches anytime except between April 1 and July 31. During this time, beetles are active and would be attracted to open wounds making your tree more vulnerable to Dutch elm disease. Note: It is important to sterilize your pruning tools between trees.
Is there a cure for Dutch elm disease?
No. Research is being done to find effective, cost-efficient treatments, and to develop Dutch elm disease resistant varieties of elm.
Can you recommend a company to spray, prune, and or inject my elms?
The Manitoba government cannot recommend a specific company, so please look in the phone book or search the internet under "Tree Service". Ensure that the company you select employs trained and qualified arborists and pesticide applicators.
Is assistance available to remove dead/diseased elm trees?
A number of communities have agreements with the Manitoba government to manage Dutch elm disease. Under these agreements, the province assists participating communities by having trained inspectors survey the managed area for firewood and infected elms. Participating communities usually perform basal spraying of public elms and removal of elm trees identified and marked by provincial inspectors.